Samsung H6400: recommended HDTV midrange 2014 (Smart TV & 3D)

The H6400 is a Samsung SmartTV with active 3D, this model is the mid-range Samsung 2014. The picture quality is very good and this model becomes a Samsung LED TV FullHD top sales. This LED TV is the evolution of the F6400, but with some small differences. Available sizes of H6400 are 48, 50, 55, 60 and 65 inches. As remarkable features, this model has 240Hz, Quad core, 4x HDMI, ...

You can find this TV in our list of Online Stores in USA .

Technology: LED, micordimming

Screen-size: 40, 48, 55, 60 and 65in
3D: active
CMR: 480Hz
Processor: Quad-Core
Other Specs:
  • 4x HDMI
  • 3x USB
  • SmartTV
  • Wi-Fi
  • Web Browser
  • Smart Touch Control
  • 3D actice glasses x2
  • Audio 10W x2
Official WebSite (Full specs)

Samsung H6400 (

Other HDTVs similar to Samsung H6400:
We recommend you visit our buying guide LED TV 2014 before choosing a LED TV
Difference between Samsung H6400 vs H6350
The H6400 is a SmartTV HDTV midrange 2014. The new model is highly recommended for users who want a LED TV with 3D technology and one of the best systems SmartTV, which includes plenty of features and web browser. Furthermore, this model includes the new Smart Touch Remote Control.

Models name:
  • Samsung UN48H6400
  • Samsung UN50H6400
  • Samsung UN55H6400
  • Samsung UN60H6400
  • Samsung UN65H6400
You can visit our list with All models Samsung LED TV 2014 U.S.
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Write comments
April 23, 2014 at 11:28 PM delete

great tv,
but i like Panasonic TVs with Smart Viera series, maybe better for me :-)


